Sunday, September 21, 2008


I am waking up in my own bed, well sort of. We got home last night from our vacation at the beach. It was amazing! Our neighbors invited us to stay at their house on St. George Island in Florida. You must know what generous people they are when you consider our family of 7 and all of our effects! Well, the house was humongous and we all fit just fine. The weather was ideal and the ocean was inspirational and healing as it always is. My kids and I can just spend an entire day digging in the sand. We love it! So as I rouse from Julianna's bed (I got edged out of my own by little kid bodies) I am thankful to have been at the ocean with my family, and thankful to be home!

The kids were so rotten on the way home (7 hours) that their punishment was to unload and clean out the entire van by themselves when we got home. I didn't say "and put it away" as I usually remember to do, so I now get to attack the enormous pile of refuse in my foyer. Yay.